Sunday, December 23, 2007

My 1st Blog!!

I am totally obsessed with reading all of my friends blogs on a daily basis! Everyone seems to have a blog! It seems the more I read and click on comments I find more of the interesting people I know in blog world! I am always joking with my dear cousin, Jenna, about her boring blog (not because it's actually boring but because her blogs are so few and far between)! So, last weekend when she came for a visit, I wrote her blog for her and throughly enjoyed it! During the process, she and Cody talked me into creating my own blog! After months of hearing everyone talk about it I finally gave in and decided to enter blog world!! Jenna came up with the title because that is what she does! One day she will be famous and I will be able to say she created the title for my blog! This blog will have interesting stories and pictures of our day to day life (all my friends know my life is filled with hilarious stories and adventures)! Hope you all enjoy!