Wednesday, January 16, 2008

7th Heaven?

I know it has been a while since my last blog but I have an excuse...really! We moved, AGAIN! Cody and I are living with my parents, brother and my 2 cousins! 7 peeps and a dog! No, I am not kidding! I'm not really sure if it is 7th Heaven or the "other" place. It's really not as bad as it sounds because we actually get along...all of us! One of the down sides to the whole experience is the fact that we have no cable or internet so we really feel like the "Walton's". I know many of you have no idea who the "Walton's" are and there are some of you that are surprised I know what it is! Hopefully we will get back into 2008 by the time the week is over and I will be able to blog and watch "Oprah" and "The Real Housewives of Orange County"!!! I can't wait! Someone should really consider making a reality TV show about our journey because I know it would be a hit! Everyone would be addicted to our craziness! Every night I feel like my evening should end with a crescendo of orchestral music and a sum up of all the days events...just like 7th Heaven!!


Jenn said...

Well, there you are! I was beginning to wonder. And we forgive you, this time! :)