Monday, April 28, 2008
Pics to Spice it up!!
Posted by Katie at 9:48 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday at the beach!
After spending 7 hours tanning (or in our case, toasting) on the beach, we decided to spend the remainder of our afternoon at the outlets! It wasn't a very hard decision to make. We shopped, making intense decisions on each purchase and leaving with some fantastic finds. We were starving when dinner rolled around partially due to the fact that our diet for the day included chips, salsa, raisinets and trail-mix. Brittany and some of her friends had already eaten but they met to watch us eat our stir-fry and edamame. It was a bonus to see Brittany again and to meet her friends...even though I strongly believe they were making fun of us and our crazy antics, which was rude, but that's just how we roll and we will not apologize for it because it is just too much fun (they would really have freaked if they saw us laughing uncontrollably and making a huge scene in the theater before the movie times with a tri-pod and the 10 second pose). Dinner was followed by a movie and a cruise through the hot-spots of PCB which was, in turn, followed by a full moon! One thing is certain, life is too short to be uptight and we are the complete opposite of that. There is no denying it, we are out of control and we love it!
Posted by Katie at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
On the beach...that's where I want to be!
Posted by Katie at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
PCB here we come!
I am officially packed! I waited until the last minute which means I have entirely too many clothes for the 3 days in Panama City Beach! Oh well! I'm about to walk out the door to meet 3 other fun girls for a few days at the beach where the weather is going to be perfect for relaxing and getting a tan! Yeah!!
Posted by Katie at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
perfect weather
be forewarned...i'm too lazy tonight to press the shift bottom to capitalize my words so ignore the substandard blog. since the weather was simply perfect today, i decided to skip going to the gym and spend some time outside. i find it rather frustrating that i pay to be a member at gold's gym every month and go as little as i do. in fact, i haven't been once this month! however, i could not stand to go inside for a class or a run on the treadmill that faces a faux brick wall on a day such as this. mt. everest was my choice of exercise today! actually, it just seemed like mt. everest as my heart pounded within the first 3 minutes (which i'm certain was caused by the incline and not the fact that i haven't worked-out in over 2 weeks). i was joined by my best gal pal who will probably never come to walk with me, ever again, when she wakes up and can't move in the morning!!! the views were breathtaking as the sun began to set over the mountains and it was so clear that we could see the city from the top. a great workout! regardless, i intend on going to the gym tomorrow...i must get my moneys worth! i can literally hear dollars going down the drain. get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Posted by Katie at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Good Times!
We had so much fun in Nashville this weekend starting with dinner Friday night with Brittany, Annie (the orphan), Jill, Jason and Lena at a yum Italian restaurant. We were entertained by Cody and Jason singing song bites in their most scary impersonations. All heads turned! I, of course, wanted to hear a band or go karaoke but Jason didn't think his voice could hold out for a duet! Since karaoke was out of the question and the weather was yuck, we went back Britt's apartment and talked for hours. Brittany's place is so cute and cozy and she has a closet full of collared shirts and more strands of pearls than a person can count! Brittany also has a 4 pound dog named Ellie Chanel (yes, I voted for this name)...with that being said I must confess I am both terrified and disgusted by animals. It's amazing we are still friends! However, I faced my fear and stayed in Britt's apartment with the dog!
Posted by Katie at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
NashVegas Baby!
We are so excited to be in NashVegas to spend some time with a few good friends. The only plan we have is dinner but I'm sure we will find some other "shenanigans" to get into!! We are so sad to miss Sunday at VL for the 2 year anniversary and Dominican "show and tell" but, I know it's gonna be great!!! I can't believe it's been 2 years! God is amazing and we are so blessed to be part of such an awesome work!! Happy Anniversary VL!
Posted by Katie at 7:03 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Can't believe it's already Thursday!
This week has flown by! We knew things were going to be kinda crazy when we got back from DR but we never expected it to be non-stop. After our amazing trip last week, we took Saturday to chill at home and wash ALL of our clothes but on Sunday, after church, we got right to work. We have spent the week working on the conference and making decisions about things for our house (which we are trying to close by next week).
Posted by Katie at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Missing the warm DR weather and these beautiful faces!

Posted by Katie at 10:18 PM 2 comments
My Handsome Man's Blog!
So here's the deal...I decided not to create a video from Dominican because all my friends did such an amazing job creating video blogs (there are too many to list so check them out on my links)! My hubby is so creative and talented so check out his blog for videos from our trip! It's been so sad not having all our wonderful friends and hospitable Dominican people around us the past two days! We miss everyone!! Hope you all have a super great week!
Posted by Katie at 10:03 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
We are home from our amazing adventure to Dominican Republic! I plan on posting my best pics tomorrow but for now...I'm snuggling down in my comfy bed for a good nights sleep! Hope you all have a great weekend! And to all the Dominican team...I love you all and I'm so glad we were able to share the experience together!
Posted by Katie at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
More from Dominican!
Monday we went back to the village to do another VBS and some of the girls had fun braiding Cody’s hair (which looked ridiculous). We ended the day on Monday by spending a few hours playing with beautiful girls at an orphanage. We colored, did their hair, jumped rope, took pictures and shared lots of giggles. They were amazing! One of the girls who quickly became my friend was deaf but she had absolutely no problem expressing herself!! It was easier for me to communicate with her than it has been to communicate with the other Dominican people! No need for a translator…just use your hands, facial expressions and eyes! Anyone who knows me realizes this is not a problem for me!
Today we spent the entire day in Santo Domingo! We spent a few hours in the morning at the market shopping for souvenirs and Cody was pleased we were able to leave with only one purchase…a photo album to commemorate our trip. In the afternoon we stopped at another handicap orphanage to love on the kids. Words cannot begin to describe the sites we saw. There were 107 children in this orphanage and many of the kids were tied to their beds or tied in actual cages (due to their unstable mental state). Many of the children had minor disabilities and with the right medical attention and one-on-one care, they could possibly live normal, healthy lives. I left feeling powerless but also, thanking God that these children (unlike the others in the previous handicap orphanage) could talk, walk, smile, laugh and express themselves.
We ended the day with Charlie (a cute 7 year old on our team) getting baptized in the ocean. It’s amazing how the kids on our trip are already allowing God to use them to make a huge difference. I’m off to bed and pumped about feeding the village tomorrow!
Posted by Katie at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Dominican days 1 & 2
Posted by Katie at 10:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dominican Republic here we come...
Cody and I are preparing to leave Friday morning to go to Dominican Republic with a group from our church. We get to see the activity of God in youth group, schools and churches all across the U.S. every week and so we are thrilled to see God do a special work in Dominican. Packing, unlike my usual process, has turned into quite an ordeal...two outfits per day (14 outfits), comfortable shoes, a swimsuit and all the necessary toiletries in one 50 pound suitcase! Our Wednesday night meeting was informative, productive and successful in making everyone excited about our upcoming adventure. As I helped pack the clothes we purchased for the orphanage, I couldn't help but wonder how our visit would change the lives of these kids and more importantly, change our lives. Everyone has been so busy thinking about the trips itinerary and what we will need to pack that the change that will take place in our own lives is literally going to smack us in the face. I can't wait to get on the plane! Please pray for us as we embark on this great adventure! Hopefully I can blog in D.R.! For now, I'm off to finish packing!!
Posted by Katie at 10:30 AM 0 comments