Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So tonight was "dinner at Ozell's"!! It's become an annual tradition, every August, for us to have a yummy meal prepared by Mrs. Ozell and let me tell you, it's worth the wait!! We've been counting down the days and saving up our calories for this meal...all year. Once again, she didn't disappoint. We all piled around the table and ate until we couldn't breath (as a matter of fact, I'm still too full). The menu was as follows....pork tenderloin, cantaloupe, mashed potatoes, creamed corn (in a bowl the size of a swimming pool), greens, fried okra, squash casserole, vegetable soup (that rocks my socks), cornbread, biscuits, coleslaw, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh pickles topped off with a glass of sweet tea. For dessert...peach cobbler with icecream and/or (AND for most) pineapple/orange cake. Amazing. Now, I don't need to eat for a week!! Good times! 


Jenny B said...

that is a great picture Katie! I'm still full!!!