Thursday, June 5, 2008

Great Reads

I have a renewed passion for reading since I picked up "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers last summer. I love it! It is the greatest book I've ever read and everyone must read it! I read all the time and can't wait to pick up a new book. I've talked with some of my gal pals and I think we are going to start a book club! Can't wait for that either. Until then, I think I'll pass along some of my favorites. If you've read anything good recently, please pass some suggestions my way. Last week when we were at the beach I read "Sunday's at Tiffany's" and it was great. It is not one of James Patterson's murder mysteries, it is a sweet love story about finding true love within yourself and the people that give you confidence to be who you truly are. The story is about a girl from NYC (my favorite place) who goes from childhood to womanhood, her struggle with self-image, trying to please others and her attempt to find true love. It was very sweet and a good beach/pool read! I am now reading "The Last Summer of You and Me" and once I'm finished with that, I am excited to start "The Honeymoon" by James Patterson. Happy reading! 


Hollie said...

i can't wait to read that JP book! Let the reviews begin.....i miss you already. didn't you just leave today?

Unknown said...

Hey girl, I'm in bed sick today and catching up on everyone's blogs! I wanted to tell you I read an incredible book on the beach a couple of weeks ago and it was so good that I might even read it again. It's called "Healing Stones" by Stephen Arterburn and Nancy Rue. I picked up my copy at Family. I decided to read more fiction, so I might just get me a copy of the book you've suggested, too. Thanks for the tip! Shelley